We’ve been talking about remodeling for a little bit, and we see so many great ideas on Instagram and Pinterest. It’s easy to get overwhelmed with ideas, then of course my thoughts go to cost, then time, and mess...see how easy it is to become paralyzed and do nothing!?
But what if you start small, like changing your faucet in the bath or kitchen? Or changing out lampshades, or new knobs on the kitchen cabinets, or switching out a light fixture in your dining room? These are the types of small things that will make a big impact and get you excited to take on the next small or maybe a little bigger thing.
A small thing with a big impact could also be adding tile to a wall in your powder room.
Story Time! My daughter found this really pretty decorative tile, it was not expensive, that she wanted to put up on the entire wall in her powder room. We see this type of thing on Pinterest all the time, add a vanity and decorative mirror in front of it and BAM it looks AMAZING!
However, she quickly became overwhelmed and discouraged, and even discussed taking the tile back. It wasn’t that it was necessarily hard, but the steps and the tools she needed to do the job just derailed her.
To do a tile job you need the right tools, like a wet tile saw. It is super easy to use, and makes any job go really quick. I rented a tile saw from a home improvement store and gave a lesson and she was off! The first step is adding mastic to the wall for the tile to stick to, always working in a small area. Her husband took on the tile saw and loved cutting the tile. She quickly became a pro at grouting. The result was great!
But we all need to remember that Pinterest can be the devil and that’s where I come in.
This small project made a big difference and has them interested in taking on something else. My biggest advice for any project you’re doing is, if it’s your first time, make sure you have LOTS of time to do the project. Nothing is worse than getting into something and running out of time. That leads to a crappy job and regretting ever starting. You can google anything, so google, “How much time does it take to do a tile project.”
Start with the small stuff and you will take the steps and learn how to get to the big stuff. Connect with me on Instagram or Facebook and show me your small projects! I’m here to help and make sure you finish it right!