This weekend I was finally able to walk another High Point Furniture Market! I’ve attended for 25 years now and that means a lot of miles. I am blessed to live close, so no hotels and I know where to find the food and the cocktails at the end of the day. But more important is knowing the furniture vendors who help lead the way for what is coming next.

Furniture trends, styles and colors debut at the spring and fall market. It’s a lot like fashion week, except we use furniture, art, rugs, accessories and lighting to drive the excitement.

From these three fabulous days (I was only able to attend for the weekend because of client projects I needed to complete), I began to see and build the next direction I wanted to take my clients and their projects. Making sure that what we are looking to do is fresh, current and in style allows for better longevity for the design.

So, let's revisit a color trend I’ve been telling you about for I think 5 years now -- the shift from blue to green. At the past few markets, we have seen everything from bright emerald to soft mossy green. Sofas and chairs, rugs and lighting all sporting green as the new hot color. And this market was no different, if anything it was bigger and brighter and more prevalent that green is the next color direction.

As the trend of green continues to expand into other areas like clothes and accessories, take the time to look around your house and look at ways you could bring in some green.

This trend is going to carry over to more permanent items like cabinets and tile over the next year or so. Where we used to use navy blue as our accent, green is now the color to be considered.

Especially if you want to stay on the cutting edge! If you’re doing a kitchen or bath remodel, the trend in kitchens is to do green on the lower cabinets and soft white on the uppers with brushed gold hardware.

We’ll also see green carry over to the bath with cabinets and tile. Anytime you start doing something big in your home, think about where the trend is and how long it’s been out in the market. A perfect example is the trend of gray. I know gray is still the main color shown in stores, but I would start to prepare to move away from all cool neutrals and prepare to introduce more color. And one of those colors is green.
So… as the Irish love to say! Bring on the green!