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  • Writer's pictureLaura Redd

It’s Time for Furniture Market - Spring 2023

The Spring High Point Furniture Market is here again! This is a huge conference/trade show for all people involved in the furniture and interior design world. A time where we get to see what is new, what is going on in business, and how we will bring you the newest trends and ideas for your future project.

I have attended approximately 54 markets, and set up for 14. So I can honestly say Market is full of surprises. Most trends will not hit the consumer market for 5-7 years, so what we are seeing will not be at your local retailer for many years to come. For me, as an interior designer, I love Market for the opportunity to see what’s coming. At every Market I try to target what will be the “next big thing” and bring it to you years before you see it. I predicted emerald green would be on the scene and how to use it. That mustard yellow was going to be showing up in everything from fashion to pillows, and that deep purple and burgundy were going to splash on the design scene.

Furniture Market is full of ideas, styles, and design options that expand our way of thinking. I love to find the one of a kind and “ahead of the curve” styles to bring to my clients. At this spring Market, I will be shopping for unique, fresh accessories to create a great look in a living room. If you are interested in all items for the home that will look fresh longer, reach out to your favorite interior designer or me, and I will help you put together an amazing look.

One thing that has dramatically changed is the ability to come to Market and purchase items on a one-on-one basis. Showrooms are now sold as a whole, and the fun is to find the pieces in the clearing spaces. These can change every couple of Markets.

Please follow me on Instagram to see all the fresh trends, colors, and styles. You may not love all of it, but trust me it’s all beautiful in its own way.

Here’s to a beautiful High Point Furniture Market!


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